Reason Why

“Words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.”   Lord Byron

I love words. Words swirl around in my head. I think about words and play with words. I’m taking a chance that a few of my words might fall like dew upon a thought and make a few, perhaps, think. My offering here is nothing more than a small drop of ink.

My life is dedicated to serving The Word, who became flesh and lived among us.  May He inspire every drop.

I have raised four children over 40 years, been my husband’s partner in life and ministry for 44 years, and have just now caught my breath, looked myself in the mirror and asked, “What do you have to say?”

I’d like to know what you have to say, too!   Leave a comment or email me at

6 thoughts on “Reason Why

  1. I share your love of words and of service. I’ve adopted a “poured out like a drink offering” analogy for life … what *I* want to do keeps getting interrupted by what He puts in front of me to do, and that’s OK. Words swirl in my head, too!

  2. Hey Dinah,
    I attended your bible study of a simple 5 step bible study outline.
    Not sure how to say this but i had mixed feelings about the procedure. You were so excited about it , it was hard not to be curious anyway.

    You suggested a short book to start with. I was not doing one outside a Bible app study so I read the Book of James. Not 2 or 3 verses. The whole book. Took about 45 minutes. At The time I was considering joining another study group but not committed.

    For Some reason, I don’t remember June 2nd I started using your 5 step bible study outline James 1:1-4. I am continuing Re reading the book of James with the outline.
    I took a 5 day trip and am now back at James. I am on James 2:12-13.
    So I am reading 1, 2 or 3 or 4 verses a day. I can now get it done in 15 to 25 minutes.

    What happened is it caused me this month to join the other study group I mentioned above. The awesome thing is it is this. James lessons are so strikingly close to the group study that I can only say it is of a divine nature that I am doing both at the same time. After James I will go with the next book 1 Peter and so on and on and on……
    I have told myself I need to do this for the rest of my life because I believe as long as I live, the world I live in wants to keep me from my Savior Jesus Christ. Thus staying in His word, abiding in Him strengthens and shields me just as Christ Said.

    I hope what I am sharing helps others. I wonder what I can do to help others as it He has helped me.

    I mentioned how your outline has helped me to a friend of yours. He said I need to tell you.

    So, I have told you, and told you why I think so, and thank you

  3. Pingback: Teenager | a small drop of ink

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