Word of Need #4

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14

   Reading the gospels is kind of like listening in on Jesus’ conversations with people. Have you noticed that Jesus didn’t talk the same way to everyone? He figured out where people were coming from first, and then geared the discussion around their frame of reference. For instance, when Jesus faced the teachers of the law, he chose legal jargon: valid testimony, execute judgement, witness, evidence, investigate, proof. But when he talked to the woman at the well he used words like water, thirst, drink, spring. The Master didn’t talk about living water to the lawyers; He didn’t use legal vocabulary with the woman at the well.

  In John 4, an interesting conversation takes place between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. She comes to draw water and Jesus asks her for a drink. She is surprised a Jewish man would even talk to her. Jesus mentions “living water” and she asks, “Where can I get some of that?” She thinks Jesus is talking about H2O, but He’s really talking about eternal life. As a result of their conversation by the well, a two day revival takes place in Samaria.

    True satisfaction will never come from external sources. It’s like trying to fill a bucket that has a hole in the bottom. We keep straining and striving to find contentment from things that can’t promise fulfillment. We try shopping, partying, jumping from relationship to relationship, counting “likes” on social media and binge-watching Netflix. Jesus offers an internal source that is like a spring of water — pure, refreshing, deep and unlimited. His life in us wells up and overflows.

Lord, I want what You have. This world just doesn’t deliver what I most desire. Pour Your living water into my soul and I will be satisfied. I choose to let You fill me on the inside so Your love, joy and peace show on the outside.

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